the one where I change my life by changing a dresser

You may remember I moved into a small cottage in January, and finally got it the way I wanted in June.  Or, I got it the only way I thought possible. My bedroom measures 8 x 11′, and is 7’3″ tall. The only window faces north and is behind my headboard. The door and closet are on the opposite wall. I have had my great grandmothers’s highboy (dresser/chest on chest/bureau) for 20 or so years, and as many moves. I could not put it on the wall between the door and closet where it should have gone because the height of it made the corner at eye level, just dangerous. So it lived on the wall where you see it, making it annoying to get into the tiny closet, and to the other side of the bed. I hated this bedroom for 10 months. Monday morning I’m laying in bed and I have a major design breakthrough. I think this monster can go, and my newest find and new favorite Georgian chest of drawers (what we call a “good” old piece) can go between the doors where a dresser should be. I don’t think too hard about it, I just go to the shop, throw it in my car (ha!) and bring it in. It’s 6″ wider, 18″ shorter, and actually holds more clothes! I threw the monster in my car (ha! again, easier said than done but I did it) and brought it directly to my mothers apartment. I took out her two small, unattractive and inefficient things and it’s perfect for her!

The difference was immediate and HUGE! When I walk into my bedroom now I feel tall, I can breathe, I can stretch, dance and even open an ironing board! I can put my pretty things out and actually see them! (pretty things not yet displayed in picture). I put some mirrors on both sides of the bed and it feels so light and airy! I know I am telling you but I don’t know if you are grasping exactly HOW much better it feels. It’s a well known phenomenon that designers have the most trouble doing their own spaces, and this just proves it.

Have a room you hate to be in? Rethink your furniture and placement, I can help.



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