The one where I’m really excited

I has such a great day of hunting the other day. Everyone was in a wonderful mood and so friendly. Oh, that we could always see such spirit through the year.
An interesting phenomenon happens out there in the antique world. Every time I go out there is one item I will see EVERYWHERE. For a good year or two it was the chrome penguin ice bucket. They must have made millions of them back in the 40’s. Friday it was the cast iron cornbread maker. I am not kidding you, it turned up in the strangest places, I saw at least 10 of them.
On the way home I sang along with Christmas music on the radio. I could hear Johnny Mathis sing “sleigh ride” 20 times a day.
I’m very excited about the things I found for the shop. Here are a couple of pics. One is an amazing antique french settee, newly upholstered, and I am having a really lovely hemp slipcover made for it. The original paint is so freaking perfect in color and patina. The other is a great pine table top writing desk. It opens to hide paperwork. Update – both sold

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