The one with the old books and things for bookshelves

A six year old friend of mine was visiting the shop the other day and he asked me why, if I love collecting this stuff so much, do I sell it? I explained that I really love to buy these things and I have a lot of fun doing it, but I also really love when someone buys stuff from me and it makes them happy. “So you are passing the happiness along.” he said. Brilliant child.

I love old books, the smell, the color, the patina of a much loved novel, disintegrating leather. I’ve been amassing some great ones lately. They look great in bundles, propped on a table, or even in a bookcase 🙂 Some collections of small books below.

Very old collection of Shakespeare’s works. The antique box below is a salesman’s sample of a trunk. Also something that would look great on a bookcase.

I love the marbling on these.

A well loved doll torso with legs, balancing on a flower frog, atop an old wooden mold.
These old print blocks are crying out for a mixed media collage, or pretty enough to just prop up on a bookcase. On the right is a fabulous set of – are you ready? Mousetraps. Numbered. Catch and release. If you have a large bookcase this would be an awesome touch.

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2 Responses
  1. I love old books too! My friend thinks my doll parts are weird, but sister I don't pose 'em like you do! I'm sending her your pic! 🙂


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