the secret?

Blogging isn’t easy, as I’m sure you’ve read a thousand times before from other writers. In the middle of the night while listening to a softly purring cat in my ear, whose own ear twitches every 3 seconds because my hair is tickling it but I can’t bear to disturb him, I write the most beautiful posts in my head.  I’m rich with ideas and prose.  I am brilliant.  The next day I go to my new WordPress dashboard that I do not understand and try to pretend I know html, and why would I know html, and I go blank.  I can’t and won’t force it.

I can’t have guest writers or hire someone to do it for me, for the same reasons I can’t hire someone to shop for the store, pull fabrics for a design job, or even the reason I won’t pull content from other blogs to post on this blog, its not where I’m coming from, and the only person who knows where I’m coming from is me.

So, here I lay in bed at 3:59am typing this blog as an email to myself on my phone and hoping Droid does not do a force close and lose it.

So here’s the thing I am willing to let someone else do, PR.  I need an intern.  I need press, baby, press!  This shop deserves it, and as long as I’m being modest the world deserves to see my shop.  I know there are set designers and photo stylists out there that would die over my inventory, and location scouts who would seriously kick themselves for not knowing about my perfectly distressed 100 year old wood plank walls and 12′ ceilings with the fab Santa Cruz light casting the perfect glow. Not to mention the customers that discover me daily, and cry over the sold inventories on my blog, let’s do this for them.  Let’s do this for the homeowners who don’t know where to start and let a designer at a chain store sell them a household full of matching cookie cutter furniture because it’s just easier.  I’m putting this out there for the world to see, we’ll figure it out together how you get paid, but I know you’re out there, you understand and appreciate my passion and creative mind, and you were born to help in your own interesting and creative way.  Saffron and Genevieve is going places, and you can help navigate!

* Here’s where this get’s weird, I wrote this Thursday night and did not have time to post it in the morning.  Friday a stylist came down from San Francisco to rent some of my things for a very famous company’s catalog shoot.  I’m not kidding!

Interested parties should contact me at



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