The one where I just got back and am sick and exhausted

We are back. Actually got back late Wednesday night after deciding to drive home in two days. I’m only going to focus on the positive so this pic was a fun time in the Clutter booth where jess and I were getting a little bit loopy. I found some really great stuff there. Will post more soon. To give you a quick little story of my trip I am now posting my facebook updates:
* in heaven. Here less than an hour, already 2 beers in and over 100 spent in the first minute.
* not giving into peer pressure anymore.
* a delicate flower.
* hangover is possibly disappating.
* going to have a great day tomorrow.
* melting.
* country feet.
* finally in her element in Texas.
* pushing on.
* needed a change so I just cut bangs with Jessies new toenail clippers.
* trying to sleep but Hank from King of the Hill is loudly entertaining the other guests right outside her door.
* just heard a senator on texas radio liken the buyout package to “two cow patties with a marshmallow in the middle, and I ain’t gonna eat that”.
* exhausted, has a horrible cold, contracted pink eye, and is now leaving Abilene, Texas. I’m still in a good mood, though.
* going to drive for 14 hours today with the pink eye.
* home sweet home.

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5 Responses
  1. C-
    Great photo. Sorry we didn't meet too. Saw the great medical tray & stand you bought from Theresa at Garden Antiques. I got a lot of great stuff also. Looking forward to seeing yours. For a closer peek at my trip, look for the "Style" issue of REFUELED magazine in November.

    Peace & Love,

  2. That photo is a hoot. I know you probably don’t remember me, but I’m usually set up right be Royer’s at Zapp in a big tent. Didn’t get to set up this time, tho. Glad y’all had a good time. Debbie

  3. Thanks Stacey for dropping by my blog……you look like you have a great blog. I will be back later to look it over! I hope you got lots of things at the Antique Show!

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