The one where Jess freaks out for the first time

Someone is pounding on the door, screaming “Sylvester!, Sylvester!” Jess is a bit freaked out , I yell that he has the wrong room.

She gets out of bed and sees something in it. I tell her it is part of a plant and flick it away. Then she goes out to the car and gets her bag and comes in a little more freaked out. Tension is rising. Someone with no teeth is gawking at her, and it appears that people live in this motel. She showers, I unpack. She comes out on a higher level of insane-ness, I unpack and ignore her. The rest of the dead cricket she has spent the night with is unearthed from her bedsheets. That’s it, we’re getting the h— out of here, RIGHT NOW! I repack, wondering who I can call to talk her down….

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