The one where my shipment from Texas finally shows up

This was picture a few hours ago. My shipment showed up. Other than having to ask a very good customer to leave the store so I could meet them at my house (I am mortified and so sorry), everything turned out ok. This is not a great representation of the stuff, you see the front of the soon-to be-beautiful Texas Biedermeier desk, the front of the amazing Austrian slaughter table/desk. I had 1/4 of it brought here to the shop. I had to get it in my storage and run back here to open the shop, so I could not fully savor my goodies. Sunday I’ll have a chance to look and enjoy. This is my new blue hand made very very old cabinet that now proudly holds my fabulous bath products and candles. The duck is for sale.
This is the english table that I thought was a dining table, and of course it certainly can be, but it’s actually a library table, probably beechwood. Hey, it had a ton of stuff on it in the booth and it was 125 degrees in that tent. I love it. You could have a dance party on this table. Or a really nice dinner party with plenty of room for your centerpiece, platters, and whatever. Plus, it’s got a drawer on both sides for storage. 72 x 41″.Update Jan 2008 sold.

This is the unit that Cayce’s (from littlest bird, I need to tell you about her great space here) husband Jeramiah built for me. I used salvaged redwood from a local barn. It’s beautiful and perfect. My Juliska looks so amazing in it, as you can see. Jer can build things for you too. You have to see this in person, it looks like it has been here forever. Nine feet wide, seven feet tall. Not for sale. Never ever ever.
This is for sale. The color is not right in this picture, the wood and the wall color are much much better in person. This is an antique blanket chest. Pine, American, circa 1810. Fully functional with so much soul. Update Feb 2008 sold.
She is beautiful. 1880ish, from a San Francisco estate. Made of wood, plaster and paper mache. Her hands are a little creepy, mummyish, but the rest of her is so exquisite it does not matter. She is wonderful in my window (hence the refection). Come and visit her anytime.

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